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How have you been?

Today, we will share with you the feedback we got from 5 Nigerian Men about the body count that is acceptable for any lady they intend to marry.

This topic was prompted due to the post of a user on X. When she stated that her friend got rejected because of her not-so-high body count.

Nigerian men have been known not to tolerate what they expect their ladies to accept.

They have been described as selfish and hypocritical but they care less about what people say.

Tosin (34)

I am not a virgin, I have slept with several females which I can’t count on one hand.

So, I will not say I want to marry a virgin but her body count must not exceed two including me because a lady with more body count would have been exposed variety of experiences, thus giving room for comparison between me and her previous sexual partners.

She may feel the urge to relive her past experiences and this will cause infidelity.

Afolabi (27)

Personally, I would rather not know of this.

In matters like this ignorance is bliss, what I don’t know can’t bother me.

If I had to pick a number 4 is the limit.

Deji (25)

It’s either the girl is a virgin or nothing, i can’t be in a marriage that is expected to last forever with the thought that someone except from me has explored my wife.

Seye (20)

I don’t care about the body count just don’t have any disease or infection.

If she has a high body count, it is a good thing in a way.

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That means she would have acquired numerous sexual skills that will come in handy in the bedroom.

The importance of great sex cannot be over-emphasized in a marriage.

Segun (19)

A lady will most likely lie about her body count so she doesn’t come off as wayward.

Most ladies will tell you their body count is 3 (the person that disvirgined them, their ex-boyfriend, and you that she’s telling).

I believe whatever figure a lady is saying her body count is is a lie.

I just have to be sure you weren’t a prostitute and love you enough to marry you.

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