We keep hearing love is a beautiful thing, but how beautiful can it be, and what exactly beautifies it?

In this episode of love and lust, the not-so-popular UnilagBadBoy, BadboyT (Ola) shares with us his love life experience.

Ola (20) will share with us his relationship experience with Bisi (18)  by answering a few questions revealing why he would never go back to Bisi but wouldn’t date anyone who isn’t like her.

Let’s start from the beginning. How did you meet Bisi?

How we met is very unusual. We met at a jamb tutorial, she was a student and I also came for tutoring because I was preparing for my jamb examination at the time.  I wouldn’t refer to myself as a student of the tutorial, I was more of an alumnus retaking class for the exam, I was a student alumnus who was still a student. I was what you can call a senior student.

We were in the same department, so we bumped into each other often, the department at the time was flooded with fresh out of high school teenage girls with their hormones flying all over the place, they were extremely vulnerable and as the bad guy that I am (I’m called BadBoyT for a reason)  I always identify a gap and I know how to fit perfectly in it like a lego brick.

Would you say you were a Playboy?

As a senior student, I had quite a reputation, people refer to me as a playboy but I’m a boy who loves to play and knows how to play…Bro, I was damn good.

I was always available to teach the girls a trick or two if you know what I mean but Bisi seemed impenetrable and she used to stare at me with so much confidence that I sometimes ended up losing some of mine.

I walked in on her and our friend eating in the cafeteria, I sat right in front of them, she was having bread and egg while discussing with her friend,  she started staring as usual, I caught he staring and I said “Why are you staring at me, do you want to share your bread and egg with me? ” with a bright face and my favorite killer smile (trust me that combo has worked magic). with all my exposure to the ladies, nothing in the world had prepared me for her reaction and the words that came out of her mouth.

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Picture this, she leaned forward without flinging for a second with a very plain face and said “If I give you, will you collect?”. Her lips movement passed a very clear message letting me know we aren’t discussing bread and egg anymore.

Interesting, so what happened next?

I was shocked but extremely impressed by the level of confidence she displayed, she spoke with such an unusual eloquence, even when I flashback I can still remember how she sounded. I said yes and she put a slice of the bread in my mouth, I didn’t eat the bread because I wasn’t a big fan of bread.

She smiled and asked why I didn’t eat it, I told her about my food preferences and we discussed for over forty minutes about how I’m such a picky eater, turns out her favorite food is bread and anything that goes with it.

Did you guys become friends?

Well, friends is a bit much, but we became pretty close physically over the week with flirting and all, I might have grabbed her ass.

Gradually, I moved from being there for all the other girls to being there for her alone and she was my girl in a way because whatever it was we were doing wasn’t a secret.

So were you guys just exploring each other exclusively and were cool with it?

That was what I thought until she kissed me in a not-so-secluded area, the kiss was magic. I was standing on the floor but my feet were off the ground.

It wasn’t my first time kissing but I had never had anyone kiss me like that, I couldn’t move she figured something was wrong and asked if I liked it, I said yes and she said maybe she would teach me how to kiss sometime, I inquired when and she said well she wasn’t my girlfriend so No.

I asked if she wanted me to ask her out officially because I already thought we had a thing going. She said we aren’t a thing until I make it official.

I asked her out immediately, she rejected me and walked away.

Wow, did that affect your current relationship or whatever you guys had at the time in any way?

Well to me it did, but to her, I don’t think it had any effect because it all seemed like what she wanted, that happened on a Friday and I wouldn’t get to see her until Monday, over the weekend it was all I could think about.

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Hmm. So how did things progress?

I tried avoiding her because of how embarrassed I was about the whole thing. we had a break from class at the tutorial i couldn’t leave my seat because I didn’t want to bump into her.

Right, where I was sitting pretending to be buried in my books, I sensed her vanilla-flavored body spray, i can recognize that scent any day anytime. She came closer and said, are you reading during the break? I replied Yes, I have some things to cover up on, I stood up and was trying to walk away until she held my hand and said Are you upset about Friday? I didn’t any any response because I felt it was obvious I was and her presence was making me uncomfortable so I left.

Interesting. Was that the breaking point of the relationship you guys shared?

Not at all, It was the first friction we experienced but now that I think about it, it was worth it.

The next day she came into the class and walked straight to me, she grabbed me by the wrist and said, walk with me, we took a long walk and ended up in a bakery, she ordered snacks for both herself and I. we got settled in and she said do you know why I said No to you.

I replied, probably because you didn’t like me enough to say yes. She smiled, leaned forward held my hands, and said I have so many reasons and that isn’t close to any one of them.

Did she tell you her reasons?

Well, it is a pretty long story of terrible exes, you will be surprised by the number of exes she had already at 18.

That explains why her kissing skills were so good, she had been exposed to consistent practice over time.

Did her past border you?

I would be lying if I said it didn’t but I got to understand her and didn’t blame her for her past.

It was nice to see her open up to me like that, she felt safe with me to share her past with me, I was glad she did because it opened up my eyes to see things from her point of view.

Did you ask her out again?

Yes, I did but not until after a few weeks had passed, we were coo during the period and I tried to ask her at a time when she didn’t feel pressured.

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What was her relationship response?

Initially, she was skeptical but eventually, she agreed and we became official.

What was it like being in a relationship with Bisi officially?

Well, I liked it and It was fun for the first few months of the relationship. I could hold her how I wanted, when I wanted to, and wherever I wanted without her acting weird or restricting.

We had a couple of moments all over the tutorial. We did give a lot of people a reason to say God when.

When you say a few months, can you put a number on it?

2 months and about 3 weeks to be more precise.

So what happened that stopped the flow of the lovely relationship?

She became possessive and gradually started becoming disrespectful.

She didn’t like me hanging out with my female friends or texting them.

Was that why you guys call it a quit?

No. After the exam, we had to stop coming over to the tutorial. She didn’t have a phone and communication dropped.

I made the effort to go visit her at her house a few times but she was giving me the cold shoulder.

After a few weeks, she got a job and started getting paid.

At the time I was taking vocational training and wasn’t getting paid.

She met some other guy with a car at her workplace she started chilling with him

He gave her a better life than I could afford at the time.

I got admitted to Unilag and she also gained admission to LASU. I got to know about her admission a few weeks later from our mutual acquaintance.

She told her friends I stopped communicating but I took a step back in the relationship. Because I felt she started making comparisons between me and the new guy she met.

So, is your story with her over?

I don’t know what the future holds but for now, yes it is.

Why don’t you want to date someone who isn’t like her?

She was homely and wild and knew how to communicate with me.

Are you currently in a relationship or is any entanglement going on?

I am not in any relationship at the moment, but there is always a lingering entanglement.


Thank you for sharing your relationship experience with us and we hope you find love.

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